Апликација за добра пракса во евалуација
Заитересираните за аплицирање на повикот треба да го користат стандардниот образец
BEST- Profy: Best practice exchange of evaluation standards towards professionalizationBEST- Profy is building on the experience gained within Western Balkan Evaluation Network. It aims at identification and selection/publishing the best practices from four Western Balkan Counties (Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia) as first step in deploying common evaluation standards. An overall goal is to develop WBEN standards for the profession evaluator. Main activities refer to establishing cooperation with national evaluation authority, identification of best practice in policy evaluation on national level and organization of Western Balkan meeting for presentation of national best practices. The expected results are identified 20 best practices and harmonized common criteria for issuing evaluator credential in Western Balkan.
Project team: Risto Ivanov - Project Manger Beti Delovska and Glogor Stojkov - members, . Implementation period October 2015- March 2016 Project Presentation Working Groups Conclusions 1st Biannual Regional Conference of EvaluatorsWBEN - Western Balkan Evaluation Network and BHeval - Evaluation Society in Bosnia & Herzegovina organized the 1st Biannual Regional Conference of Evaluators. The Conference entitled "Policy Impact Evaluation in Western Balkans" held on 28 and 29 October 2015 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The men took part with four representatives: Vlato Danilov - president of MCA 2000; and Best Porfy Project team: Risto Ivanov project Manger ; Beti Delovska and Gligor Stojkov members. |
First webinar Equity Focused and Gender Responsive Evaluation to leave no one behind
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bb3xy0ep-2U&feature=youtu.be&a |
IOCE Toolkit
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![]() We are inviting evaluators, managers and policy makers from all over the world to celebrate evaluation and the way we have linked with one another to promote the demand, supply and use of equity-focused and gender-responsive evaluation in policy and program decisions. We are creating a visible master calendar that will be published on the EvalPartners website, of gatherings on evaluation during 2015 in every part of the world. The closing gathering of 2015 will be the Global Evaluation Week at the Parliament of Nepal in November 2015, and it will echo and celebrate messages shared throughout EvalYear. All evaluator gatherings are important, large and small, in every country where our profession is exercised and can be useful to our societies.During EvalYear, we will carry a virtual “2015 evaluation” torch (attached four example) to link the discussions that will happen all over the world around the four selected themes for EvalYear:
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